
Knowledge Base 

Article number: kb-301
Q. What are the rules for registering domain names ?

A. The rules for registering a domain name depend on the Central Naming Authority in each country. The general rules to follow are:

1) Domain names should be between 3 and 67 characters long (this includes the dot and the tld). For example: is 10 characters in length.

2) The domain name can only consist of alphanumeric characters (letters or numbers) and hyphens (-)

3) The hyphen (-), if used, cannot begin or end the domain name. is ok, but is not ok.

4) The domain name is not CaSe SeNsiTiVe. Meaning DoMain.Com will work the same as or DOMAIN.COM

5) No two domain names can be the exact same. If you would like and it is already taken you will need to change the domain name you choose to register to or some other variation that is available.

6) You are advised to avoid registering a domain name that conflict with another company's trademark unless, of course, you own a trademark that also gives you rights to that domain name. In these circumstances it is generally agreed that the ownership of the name is awarded on a first come first served basis.

7) The costs for the domain name itself are not included with the costs for hosting the domain name. For pricing of various domain names click here. For pricing information on various hosting packages visit click here.

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