
Knowledge Base 

Article number: kb-103
Q. Who can have a Domain/Website and what are the benefits ?

A. Anyone can have a domain and website. ProHostONE's services are not restricted to businesses. Our services are ideal for any purpose. From personal/family to professional/commercial we have a plan that is right for you!

Primarily, a website will provide you with the ability to present your products and services to current and future customers. Unlike leaflets or advertisements, a website will allow anyone to browse through your products and services at their pace 24 hours a day.

You can also utilize this medium to post personal/family vacation photos, publish your ideas and opinions, even start your own blog. Our website hosting service comes with many instant setup blogs, portals and other scripts. Whatever you wish.

Our services are completely banner free. You will never be required to show our name or logo when using our services.

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