
Knowledge Base 

Article number: kb-316
Q. I already own a domain name. How do I point it to my ProHostONE site ?

A. If your domain name is already registered, but not registered with ProHostONE, then you will need to modify your domain's DNS (domain name system) server records at your registrar.

Pointing your domain to your ProHostONE web space is relatively painless. Simply log into your account at your current registrar and look for the link that lets you change your DNS servers. The 2 name servers you need to enter are listed in your hosting account manager in the My Account area on our website.

Log into our website, click here, with your email address and the password you chose while signing up. Click My Hosting Accounts, click the magnifying glass next to your hosting package. Here you will find the DNS server to use at your current registrar.

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