
Knowledge Base 

Article number: kb-111
Q. How do I access my ProHostONE Control Panel ?

A. Your hosting control panel lets you manage all the features of your domain, website and email.

You can access your Linux/cPanel control panel in several ways.

1) Through your account at Login to the account you created when signing-up. From the My Account click on Website Hosting. Locate the hosting account you wish to access in the list. Click on the on the CP button.

2) Using your IP address to access the control panel securely. Look in your welcome email or follow the steps in the first method and locate the IP address your site is on. Type the address into your address bar of the web browser and add :2082 or :2083 to the end of it. Use :2082 for insecure http access and :2083 for secure https access.

Example: https://yourIPaddress:2083
- or -
Example: http://yourIPaddress:2082

3) From your domain. In the address bar of your browser, type in your domain followed by /cpanel. Please note this method is not secure unless you have purchased a private SSL certificate to use.


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